Treatment of varicose veins in legs

Treatment of varicose veins in the legs can be supplemented by the use of compression stockingsTreating Varicose Veins at Home: What Are the Dangers?Most patients with varicose veins of varying severity do not treat their vein disease or treat it at home. This can lead to tragic consequences: complications can occur, patients can lose the ability to move their legs, or even become disabled. Avoiding trouble isn't that hard: treat varicose veins as soon as you notice them, rather than getting them.
There are many ways to treat vein disease; an experienced doctor can tell you which method is right for you.
Many people write about how to treat varicose veins in the legs using folk remedies, but not everyone talks about its dangerous consequences. It should be remembered that traditional methods were developed when there were no other methods of treating veins. Now that they exist, problems can be solved faster and easier.
  • Treat with apple cider vinegar.Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular home remedies for varicose veins. Readers are encouraged to dilute vinegar with honey and drink it on an empty stomach, dilute it with water and then rub it on their feet. But remember, apple cider vinegar is an acid. Taking it orally can negatively affect digestion. Topical use can also cause problems because varicose veins can dry out the skin, and acids can make the skin drier. This can aggravate the condition, especially if your legs are itchy from varicose veins.
  • Treat with chestnut fruits.Chestnut tincture is also recommended to be taken orally and applied to the affected area to eliminate the pain and itching caused by varicose veins. Only horse chestnuts are poisonous. Under no circumstances should it be eaten raw. Symptoms of intoxication (vomiting, nausea, weakness) and cramps in the lower limbs may occur even after taking a tincture made from the fruits of this plant. Additionally, chestnut tincture can increase blood pressure. External use of alcohol solutions can dry out the skin of the legs, which is not good for varicose veins and is simply unacceptable in the advanced stages of varicose veins.
  • Treat with leeches.Leeches bite through the skin and introduce into the body a mixture of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the blood, thin it and have an antibacterial effect. However, it is better not to keep leeches in your home but to entrust it to a certified specialist, since you need to know exactly where you can and cannot place leeches. Itching is often observed during the first few days after vein treatment with leeches. The bite site itches so much that the person cannot bear it and starts scratching the itchy area, which results in the formation of ulcers. In addition, after being bitten by a leech, small triangular scars will be left on the legs. For some, for a lifetime.
  • Folk remedies can be prescribed by doctors.In the early stages of venous insufficiency, your doctor may prescribe contrast foot baths for your patient's veins. The alternating action of cold and hot water relaxes and contracts the veins in your legs. This gymnastic effect strengthens blood vessels, improves microcirculation, and eliminates itching. This method can be used at home as often as needed. Especially if visiting the swimming pool is not possible. Varicose veins stop progressing and there is no more pain in the legs.For example, clay can help relieve tired legs and eliminate itching and minor swelling in the early stages of varicose veins. Dilute a tablespoon of medicinal clay with water to form a thick paste. Then apply the paste to your calves with a brush or cotton pad. It's important not to let the clay dry out; you must keep adding new layers or moistening existing layers with water. After an hour, the clay should be carefully washed off and the feet allowed to dry without wiping with a towel. Courses – 12 lessons that can be repeated monthly.
But before treating varicose veins at home, talk to your doctor. It's best not to waste time on programs of questionable effectiveness. Instead, it is possible not to heal the leg but to wait for the severity to worsen and complications to develop.

effective conservative treatment

It's ingrained in people's minds: If your leg hurts, your veins bulge, your veins are severely itchy (itchy), then you need to prepare for surgery. In fact, everything depends on the stage of the disease, which depends not only on the degree of venous bulging or the severity of the venous network of the lower limbs. In most cases, doctors try to deal with this disease using conservative treatments rather than surgery. To do this, use a comprehensive approach: perform physical activity, dietary changes, medications and physical therapy; choose compression garments.
  1. physical activities.Modern man is a sedentary person: he sits at work and at home, and takes the subway or bus to the office. All of these can lead to physical inactivity and venous insufficiency. Varicose veins occur when the veins in the legs become weak and unable to cope with work. Therefore, it is important to return patients to an active lifestyle. Your doctor may recommend walking for at least two hours a day, Nordic walking, swimming in a pool, or attending classes in a recreational sports training group. At any stage of the disease, it is best to avoid exercises on the legs.
  2. diet.It's not about diet, it's about proper nutrition and limiting consumption of certain food groups. Animal fats, margarine, mayonnaise and fast carbohydrates (candy, pies, cakes) are prohibited. It is recommended to eat more liquid food and plant-based food. Eat a balanced diet, at least five times a day. Eating right is important for complete weight control. Extra weight puts extra pressure on the leg veins and increases the risk of worsening varicose veins at any stage of chronic venous insufficiency.
  3. medical treatement.If the condition is not severe and the varicose veins have no complications, they can be treated with medications, usually at home. Usually, drugs from several groups are used:
    • Venotonics (phlebotonics) are available in tablet, ointment, or gel form. They help maintain the tension of the vein walls and facilitate the flow of blood through them. Especially suitable for mild cases.
    • Antiplatelet drugs minimize the risk of blood clots forming in the lower extremities by preventing blood components from sticking together to form clots.
    • Anticoagulants usually contain glycosaminoglycans or are based on glycosaminoglycans. Maintain optimal blood viscosity - dilute it slightly so it flows freely in the blood vessels of your legs.
    • Vasoprotectants protect the vein walls, making them more elastic and less susceptible to internal damage.
    • Anti-inflammatory drugs prevent inflammatory reactions in the blood vessel walls, especially in advanced stages, and have analgesic effects.
    • Products based on botanical ingredients (horse chestnut, lilac, sweet clover, white acacia, etc. ) are alternatives to traditional herbal medicines.
    Pharmacological forms differ in targeted action and predictable effects. They have almost no contraindications. Use as part of a complex therapy to reduce swelling and pain in the legs. Medications are prescribed by doctors after proper examination of the patient. He chooses not only the right product, but also the form of delivery: injections, tablets, ointments, gels, foot compresses. Phlebologists recommend treating varicose veins at home or in the hospital, depending on the stage of the disease and the development of complications.
  4. Physical Therapy (PTL).For varicose veins, a physical therapy device can help medications penetrate the affected vascular area more quickly and enhance the effects of the medication. As a result, treatment time is significantly reduced, giving doctors the opportunity to switch patients from therapeutic to maintenance doses and eliminate some medications. Basic FTL method:
    • Electrophoresis helps deliver drugs to varicose veins through the action of weak electric current;
    • Darsonvalization increases the tone of veins and reduces stagnation of interstitial fluid, thereby reducing the itching of varicose veins;
    • Magnetic therapy improves venous blood flow and significantly reduces tissue swelling;
    • Lower limb air pressure massage can increase the tension of vein walls, reduce swelling, itching and improve blood flow;
    • Laser treatment can reduce the severity of inflammatory reactions, improve blood microcirculation, and have a vein-protective effect;
    • Cryotherapy (cold) regulates blood vessels, improves lymphatic drainage, and relieves itching;
    • Hydrotherapy (water treatment) tones and has a general strengthening effect;
    • Mud therapy strengthens the walls of blood vessels in the legs and has a beneficial effect on the skin, promoting its regeneration and reducing itching.
    For some conditions, physical therapy cannot be performed. Additionally, different stages of varicose veins require different treatments. Therefore, FTL is prescribed by two doctors simultaneously: a phlebologist and a physical therapist. Some procedures, especially for initial vascular damage, can be performed at home; many FTL devices are now sold in pharmacies. We recommend a pocket venous outflow electrical stimulator that can quickly and effectively help manage the symptoms of varicose veins.

compression jersey

Auxiliary method to promote blood flow in the veins. Compression jerseys are available for men and women.Products can take the form of stockings, socks or tights and come in a variety of colours, sizes and levels of compression. On the surface, they look the same as ordinary ones, but have significant therapeutic and preventive effects. It's all about special stretch threads and carefully designed knitting patterns. As a result, the veins receive external support and begin to cope with their work. Pain, itching and swelling of the lower limbs are reduced and the progression of the disease stops.Doctors recommend the use of compression stockings depending on the stage of varicose veins. He also tells you how to wear it properly and for how long.
The correct use of a leg sweatshirt determines its effectiveness. We believe Swiss compression knits are the most reliable and of the highest quality.

Surgical treatment methods

When conservative treatments fail, surgery is performed. The doctor has the opportunity to choose the most suitable method, which is most effective and least invasive at a certain stage of varicose veins.
  • Sclerotherapy.Doctors inject a special solution into the lumen of the affected vein, causing the vein walls to stick together and blocking blood flow through the treated vessel. The veins no longer protrude from the surface of the skin and are gradually replaced by connective tissue.
  • Endovascular laser therapyThere are two names: EVLO (endovenous laser vein occlusion) and EVLC (endovenous laser vein coagulation). The essence is the same: with the help of laser pulses, the affected vein is sealed and ceases to function. The intervention does not affect the surrounding tissues of the lower limbs and does not require general anesthesia. It can be done on an outpatient basis. Recovery was quick and no marks were left on the legs. Laser treatment can be performed at any stage of varicose veins unless accompanied by complications.
  • Phlebectomy.A standard surgical procedure used to treat serious conditions and performed under general anesthesia. The affected portion of the vein is removed. After the surgery, a scar of about half a centimeter long is left, which is almost invisible on the skin. The recovery period after phlebectomy is longer. The patient remained in the hospital for about two weeks. During this time, he wore compression stockings, took medication and went to the physical therapy room. After the sutures were removed, the patient was discharged to continue treatment of his varicose veins at home. Complications are rare.
Surgery to remove varicose veins in the lower extremities is performed only if the patient retains blood flow in the deep veins. After surgery, blood should rise freely through the bypass vessels to avoid complications.

Preventing varicose veins in legs after treatment

After successful treatment of varicose veins in the legs, patients should not lose their guard. If the cause of the disease is not removed, another vein may expand and it will all happen again. First of all, you need to give up bad habits, eat right, lead an active lifestyle, wear compression socks when increasing physical activity, choose low-heeled shoes, visit your doctor regularly for preventive check-ups and follow his recommendations.
These tips are simple and easy to follow. If you follow these recommendations, you are less likely to experience complications from varicose veins and require hospitalization. If someone from your family joins you, this will also benefit him. Remember: The best treatment for varicose veins is prevention. If you develop suspicious symptoms or are at risk, contact your doctor immediately!